End of Life & Upgrading FAQ

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions article related to the End of Life for the Scavatec TimeClock, TimeClock ST and TimeClock Sync 1.0 products.

Important Dates


Affected Applications



Web End-of-Life Announcement

  • sync.scavatec.com

  • app.timeclock-sync.io

End-of-Life notification sent to customers

July 28th, 2022

Web End-of-Life & Discontinuation of service

  • sync.scavatec.com

  • app.timeclock-sync.io

Users will no longer be able to access the Affected Applications; users will be automatically redirected to the latest version of the Toolr Time Clock application

Begins August 29th, 2022

Legacy Device Application End-of-Life Announcement

  • Scavatec TimeClock

  • TimeClock ST

  • TimeClock Sync 1.0

End-of-Life notification sent to customers who are still using legacy device applications and will be affected by this migration

January 5th, 2023

Legacy Device Application End-of-Life & Discontinuation of service

  • Scavatec TimeClock

  • TimeClock ST

  • TimeClock Sync 1.0

Affected Device Applications will lose all remote functionality and render on-device functionality inoperable

March 31st, 2023

What is the URL for the modern web application?

Will my bookmarks be updated?

  • Unless you manually change your browser's bookmarks, they will continue to navigate to the old web applications. We will automatically forward all traffic to the new web application https://app.mytoolr.com

  • We recommend updating your bookmarks to point to https://app.mytoolr.com

Will my login change?

  • No, you may login to the new web application using your existing credentials

I don’t know my login information

  • Navigate to https://app.mytoolr.com and select the “Find Account / Reset Password” link

  • Enter your email address and we will send you a list of accounts associated with that address, with an optional link to reset the password.

  • If you need additional help, please contact our support team

Will my existing historical data be available through the new website?

  • Yes, the new version of the website has access to the exact same data you are currently using.

What if the website or mobile application is missing a feature I depend on?

  • We have done our best to ensure all features are available through the new applications. If we are missing a feature you require please contact our support team.

What extra steps will I need to take to move to the new website?

  • If all of your devices are running the latest version of the Toolr Time Clock Sync mobile application you do not need to take any extra steps. All of your data will continue to sync and be accessible through the new website.

I have already been using the app.mytoolr.com web application and have migrated over all my devices to Toolr Time Clock Sync. Is there anything else I need to do?

  • Nope! If you're already using the app.mytoolr.com web application and don't have any devices using the old mobile software then you're all set.

Do I need to change anything on my devices?

  • For users using the latest version of Time Clock Sync iOS or Time Clock Sync Android you will not need to make any changes

  • For users using Legacy TimeClock/ST you will need to upgrade to the latest version of the application through the App Store.

  • For users using Legacy TimeClock/ST on iOS 11 or Android 4.3 or below, we are no longer able to support your device. You will need to retire or replace this device with a newer model.

What will happen to my legacy devices after March 31st, 2023?

  • Affected Legacy Device Applications will lose all remote functionality and render on-device functionality inoperable

  • Affected Legacy Device Applications will no longer sync with the app.mytoolr.com web application or any other devices; any unsynced data will be lost

  • Affected Legacy Device Applications will no longer be able to run reports

  • Affected Legacy Device Applications will no longer be able to manage or access Organization Employees, Jobs, Crews, Time Entries or Settings

  • Affected Legacy Device Applications will no longer be supported by the Toolr Support Team after March 31st

  • Please upgrade your legacy device applications immediately in order to prevent any disruption to your service or access to Toolr Time Clock

What version of the mobile app do I currently have?

Use this guide to help identify which mobile app your device is running.

Where can I get the latest mobile applications?

How do I remove a legacy device from my Organization?

Use this guide to help remove a legacy device from your Organization.

Will my old iOS 6 devices running TimeClock ST continue to work?

  • No, we have been unable to publish updates for iOS 6 devices for many years and cannot continue supporting this version of the product. When the legacy sync.scavatec.com site are shut down these devices will no longer sync. The device may continue to function offline as a standalone app. We recommend updating at your earliest convenience.

What iOS version does modern Toolr Time Clock Sync 2.0 support?

  • iOS 11+

  • We are unable to publish updates for iOS 10 and below. 

  • If you have a device running iOS 10 or below. We recommend updating to the latest available version at your earliest convenience. If your device does not support iOS 10 or above you will need to upgrade to a newer version. 

What Android version does modern Toolr Time Clock Sync 2.0 support?

  • Android 4.4+

  • We are unable to publish updates for Android 4.3 and below. 

  • If you have a device running Android 4.3 or below, we recommend updating to the latest available version at your earliest convenience. If your device does not support Android 4.4 or above you will need to upgrade to a newer version. 

Will I be reminded that my legacy device is still active on my account?

  • As we get closer to March 31st, you will receive a weekly email if any of your legacy devices continue to sync, prompting you to perform the upgrade process. We highly recommend upgrading any legacy devices and removing them from your account to prevent receiving these warning emails.

  • Also, the 2.0 admin web app will notify you if you have any legacy devices currently associated with your Organization.

  • You can follow this guide to help you remove legacy devices from your Organization.

I noticed that Transactions no longer exist in Toolr Time Clock. What are they called now?

  • Legacy "transactions" are now called "Time entries"